Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci’s ‘Banana’
I’m not quite sure how this came about to be honest and although I could do some online research to work out where and who it came from, I must admit that the mystery of it is part of the appeal. I stumbled upon this on TV late one night many years ago – I think it was on S4C (the Welsh-language channel of Wales) – and, given my total obsessiveness with Gorky’s at the time, it was a real find for a major fan.
In last friday’s post, Binky specified that he couldn’t find Miss Trudy by Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci on the Playlistify thingy so I looked it up on YouTube and – as if by circumstantial magic (Non-fans will not be aware of the black magic of Gorky’s) came upon the following Banana playlist once again:
In essence, Banana is just a collection of home made music videos made on VHS at arguably their creative peak over the period of an EP or two and the Bwyd Time LP. As I say, I don’t know who filmed them, but it’s not important. What’s important is that virtually every song – and it is like listening to an album – is brilliant and from this you really get the energy and excitement of a load of kids who were loving playing music and entertaining even the great John Peel.
If you’re not digging the Gorky’s sound or feel like switching off, check out the 12 Impressionistic Soundscapes before you log off for an … ahem… slightly different experience (read ‘headmash’).

Tilt-Shift Swansea: A Collection
It’s all Binky‘s fault. He told me about tilt-shift(ing) and has got me a little obsessed. Previously, I had just known it as miniaturisation because my wife’s camera calls it thus and I wasn’t aware of it’s vastness online. People have basically photographed mini-tilt-shift-cities, football pitches and have basically made the whole world look like Thomas the Tank Engine should chug past any minute.
Given my excitement at the concept, I had to see what people had done of our fine city. Binky: I challenge thee to do the same for Lewes. Given that Flickr is the photo legend of old web land, I turned there first and come up with some varying qualities of stuff… However, I quickly noticed how few (er… 1!) of the Swansea tilt-shifters were willing to open up to the world of Creative Commons, so you get a slightly less visual treat I’m afraid.
Update: Stephanie Rutt has given us permission to use an image of her lovely tilt-shift of Swansea. See number 7 below.
Update #2: Jason Stanley has also given permission to use his image (#5). Many thanks.
So, The Randwich presents the miniaturised-tilt-shift world of Swansea….
Daily Panorama: Gardens, National Botanical Gardens, Wales
Contrary to my original concept of only publishing panoramas created on the day they were made, this was created yesterday. Yes, I’ve broken my only rule!
Given that today was a work day, albeit a lovely sunny day, I didn’t get the opportunity to capture anything. I’ve been experimenting with the Windows version of PhotoSynth instead and am very impressed with some of the outputs. More soon…
Anyway, this is from the National Botanical Gardens in Wales, with lovely light from the rare sun. This is a simple horizontal panorama, mostly due to speed but I think it’s enough.
Daily Panorama: Lower level of Dome, National Botanicsl Gardens of Wales, nr. Carmarthen
Didn’t exactly get much opportunity to keep still in the National Botanical Garden of Wales, but was actually able to fire off a couple of bouts of the iPhone Photosynth app today. Created a couple of fairly okay panoramas which I could have done a better job on with the luxury of time!
Anyway, the sun was out, air was cold and the punters were in while there was an antiques fair and especially while the entry is free (all January 2012).
This is a quick pano taken from the underground water bit in the dome at the gardens. To say it was busy down there while I had the camera out is a gross understatement.
Photosynth Panorama Online: http://photosynth.net/view/9302d29b-4e93-4793-90dc-cb68ece4bed2
A review of the Arts in Wales 2011
On Emma Geliot’s fine blog is a pretty comprehensive review of the year that was 2011 in Welsh art:
And as for the Glynn Vivian refurb… who thought it would ever happen?