Daily Panorama Dunes, on way to, Whitford, Gower
What a stunning day for a stroll around the Gower yesterday. Went the long way – hence being atop the dunes here and separated from half the family – but eventually got to the beach.
First time here to Whitford, Gower but really impressed with the whole place.
Had to carry a little un plus massive log back to the seemingly distant car park. Once in car, a pint at The Brittania made me feel a whole load better. Ah!
Daily Panorama (Equation) Geocaching – Wellies = Ruined Shoes
Great fun, but a little messier than it should have been. Our eldest nipper loved the reveal…. (no spoilers here mind).

Tilt-Shift Swansea: A Collection
It’s all Binky‘s fault. He told me about tilt-shift(ing) and has got me a little obsessed. Previously, I had just known it as miniaturisation because my wife’s camera calls it thus and I wasn’t aware of it’s vastness online. People have basically photographed mini-tilt-shift-cities, football pitches and have basically made the whole world look like Thomas the Tank Engine should chug past any minute.
Given my excitement at the concept, I had to see what people had done of our fine city. Binky: I challenge thee to do the same for Lewes. Given that Flickr is the photo legend of old web land, I turned there first and come up with some varying qualities of stuff… However, I quickly noticed how few (er… 1!) of the Swansea tilt-shifters were willing to open up to the world of Creative Commons, so you get a slightly less visual treat I’m afraid.
Update: Stephanie Rutt has given us permission to use an image of her lovely tilt-shift of Swansea. See number 7 below.
Update #2: Jason Stanley has also given permission to use his image (#5). Many thanks.
So, The Randwich presents the miniaturised-tilt-shift world of Swansea….
Daily Panorama: Time for a Rest
Ooh, it’s a hard life. Here’s a boy who has had enough of running about and has decided to chillax on the spider’s web thingy.
It didn’t last long. He was up and about in seconds. Just captured him in a lull point.
Daily Panorama: Bracelet Bay, Swansea
It’s still nippy out but we’d all just had a rest and drink, so we went back out and down for a scramble on the beach. It was an extended crew today of 4 adults and 4 kids with only a single pair of wellies between us, so it wasn’t perfectly planned but lots of fun had nonetheless.
Daily Panorama: Langland Beach
Lovely – if not windy – day down at Langland Beach in Swansea. Was able to quickly capture a rapid panorama whilst number 1 child was dragging a concrete slab down to us from the top of the beach.
Daily Panorama: West Facing View From The Office (looking out to Sketty and The Mumbles)
Started back at work today following three weeks off and my was it hard trying to get back into the groove.
This is actually the view from behind my chair. I previously had a desk facing in this direction – give or take a few feet – but now I am inward facing, with only my colleagues to view in our cramped space.
Although you can’t see the detail here, in the very distance is the seaside village Mumbles, a lovely part of Swansea.
And yes, I could have removed the window, but I like it as a frame for the miniature contents outside.