Daily Panorama: B&Q Glitch
I don’t think PhotoSynth could handle the areas of repetition here, plus I was probably moving about a little too much. Busy shop, power tools.
Anyway, generally good if you discount the large glitched area.
Daily Panorama: Hairdressing Salon
Ten minutes before I took this panorama, the salon was awash with hairdressers and their clients and a panorama then would have more resembled a blur.
Once the room had cleared and the environment and atmosphere completely changed, I pounced. The super bad (two words, not one) music was still blaring from the old skool hifi mind you. Just part if the furniture isn’t it?
Daily Panorama Countryside Council Flats
Another experiment in preparation for a larger scale operation. Might be better here: http://photosynth.net/view/09d13f77-cce1-4805-9cc2-39960c1f85c0
Daily Panorama Dark Inside, Light Outside
The camera on my iPhone doesn’t do this image any justice at all. The light was stunning today.