Daily Panorama: Hairdressing Salon
Ten minutes before I took this panorama, the salon was awash with hairdressers and their clients and a panorama then would have more resembled a blur.
Once the room had cleared and the environment and atmosphere completely changed, I pounced. The super bad (two words, not one) music was still blaring from the old skool hifi mind you. Just part if the furniture isn’t it?
Daily Panorama Countryside Council Flats
Another experiment in preparation for a larger scale operation. Might be better here: http://photosynth.net/view/09d13f77-cce1-4805-9cc2-39960c1f85c0
Daily Panorama Dark Inside, Light Outside
The camera on my iPhone doesn’t do this image any justice at all. The light was stunning today.
Tilt-Shift Swansea: A Collection
It’s all Binky‘s fault. He told me about tilt-shift(ing) and has got me a little obsessed. Previously, I had just known it as miniaturisation because my wife’s camera calls it thus and I wasn’t aware of it’s vastness online. People have basically photographed mini-tilt-shift-cities, football pitches and have basically made the whole world look like Thomas the Tank Engine should chug past any minute.
Given my excitement at the concept, I had to see what people had done of our fine city. Binky: I challenge thee to do the same for Lewes. Given that Flickr is the photo legend of old web land, I turned there first and come up with some varying qualities of stuff… However, I quickly noticed how few (er… 1!) of the Swansea tilt-shifters were willing to open up to the world of Creative Commons, so you get a slightly less visual treat I’m afraid.
Update: Stephanie Rutt has given us permission to use an image of her lovely tilt-shift of Swansea. See number 7 below.
Update #2: Jason Stanley has also given permission to use his image (#5). Many thanks.
So, The Randwich presents the miniaturised-tilt-shift world of Swansea….
Daily Panorama: Seasons #2 (or an exercise in failure!)
I’ve meant to experiment with printed images for panoramas for a while but haven’t had the opportunity. Generally my idea was to create a single long print (hopefully wrapping/tessellating), make it into a circular shape (like a zoetrope or a large lampshade) and to position my iPhone in the centre of the circle of it (attached to a tripod or my wooden spoon) and rotate the camera to create a panorama.
Obviously there is a massive flaw to this concept for a still image as can be seen below. However, online on the Photosynth site, the panorama might work quite well interactively. Or so I hope.
Before I show it, I caveat – I didn’t print this image out – I just found it and decided to work with it. Plus, the image is actually a triptych and it was made of strong cardboard which folded at the edge of the three images. Given that it’s not a single landscape and it was strong cardboard, I didn’t see in any sense in trying to make a semi-circular shape with it.
So anyway, enough excuses? Here’s one I did earlier:
As you can see, with the obvious table edges it is hardly immersive.
Here’s how the panorama looks as a flattened image… ie – flat:
Lego Despicable Me
Our son finally saw Despicable Me and seemed to really enjoy it, so for the heck of it I decided to make one of the little creatures. As you’ll see, my Lego skills are a tad basic. I could blame the selection of bricks yada yada but it’s just cos I is no Brunel.
Version 1 looked like this:
… followed by this later in the evening (I remembered the circular bit as I was putting away my son’s Ninjago bits):
Arms are courtesy of an episode 1 pod racer.
It’s not too bad really. I dread to search the web to see the better versions others have done…
Daily Panorama: The Street Where the Tango Viral was Filmed (oh, and something called Torchwood)
On the way out of my friends house on Cambridge Street in the Uplands, Swansea, I was reminded just how steep the road is (especially given the amount of padding I had on in readiness for the current stint of cold weather) and what previously went on here.
Cambridge Street, as aforementioned, is pretty steep. It’s one of those hills you have to power walk up as quickly as possible or else it will finish you off with a wicked smile. Asides from it’s steepness, it is also easy to shut off with an adjoining road at the top and the same at the bottom with two parallel roads running either side of it, so there is no traffic issue (unless you live on the street of course).
Given all this it is good for locations filmy people because they don’t have to shut down the whole of Brynmill or the Uplands to film a couple of quick scenes. In fact, over the last few years it has been used as a location for a rather brilliant Sony Bravia spoofed Tango viral ad:
And, also in latest series of Torchwood which was entitled ‘Miracle Day‘.
So, anyway – my panorama doesn’t have the excitement of either of the rushes filmed here, but at least it proves that my PhotoSynth appears to be working again (I wasn’t pushing it too hard though). Hurray!
Daily Panorama: This was not taken today
Photosynth is playing up and I haven’t been able to do a decent Photosynth for a few days. So, I’ve been quiet.
I’ve tried cleaning the 88 panoramas from it down to 30ish, but it’s still suffering and – worse case – it is fully crashing and switching off my olde iPhone 3GS.
So, I’m tempted to uninstall and reinstall to alleviate the issue. Alternatively, I’ll try to do something different every day for a month stretch. Any ideas?
Here is the playground at Castellamare nr Bracelet Bay from last week.
Daily Panorama: This is your Captain Speaking
Would all passengers please brave themselves for a crash landing. PhotoSynth is refusing to cooperate.
Daily Panorama: The View I Never See
I sit with my back to the window. Therefore, I often have to check to see if the Mumbles is still there and thankfully, unless it’s foggy, she is usually peeking out from the side of the bay jacuzzi.
Today, unless you hadn’t noticed us the 1st. So that means I have lasted a month, which (if you know me this will make sense) is amazing. Okay, the panoramas have largely been pretty erratic and anyone who knows panoramas might scoff at their quality, but currently I’m marking myself on willpower and continuation. Pat on the back.